Megawatt Mayhem – Episode February 20, 2016


  • Megawatt Theme
    Murray Fradsham • NA
  • Post-American World
    Megadeth • Dystopia
  • Better Times
    Striker • Stand In The Fire
  • Demon's Blade
    Eternity's End • The Fire Within
  • The Code Of Light
    Endless • The Truth, The Chaos, The Insanity
  • Welcome To The Show
    Ecliptica • Ecliptified
  • Metal Knights
    Jessikill • Metal Knights
  • The Assault
    Antilia • Ancient Forces
  • Who I Am
    Arctic Void • Entangled
  • Before The Night Falls
    Scarleth • The Silver Lining
  • The Vigil
    Elyria • Reflection and Refraction
  • Thunderhawk
    Thor • I Am Thor
  • Runaway
    Sword • Metalized
  • Kawazu/Summoning Redemption
    Morbid Angel • Gateways To Annihilation
  • Jungle Book Of Love
    Like Animals • Feral
  • Kraf Dinner
    Annihilator • Never Neverland
  • Contaminated
    Dyoxen • First Among Equals
  • The Casket Burner
    Sigh • Graveward
  • Hell's First Born
    Conqueror • A Worm's Demise
  • Soldiers Of The Underground
    Axevyper • Into The Serpent's Den