To Seek Heavy – Episode August 15, 2023


  • Invisible Cities
    Invisible Cities • NOMO
  • Incalculable Thresholds
    Perilaxe Occlusion • Raytraces of Death
  • Ancient Tactics // Charred Bones
    Nephilim's Noose • Hypethral Ossuary
  • Bumbo
    Invisible Cities • NOMO
  • Krypto Chronique II
    Sedimentum • Suppuration Morphogénésiaque
  • Cave Dwellers (To walk the abysmal Depths)
    Void Column • Admonition Of Clarity
  • A Vile and Hollow Shell
    HUSSAR • All-Consuming Hunger
  • Waiting
    Invisible Cities • NOMO
  • L'éther
    Eos • Les corps s'entrechoquent
  • Délectation Morose
    Précieux Sang • Les Nuits de Gethsémani