Good Egg – Episode August 22, 2023

Good Egg Episode 56 ♥


  • Bineshinh
    Status/Non-Status • Surely Travel
  • Simple Complication
    Rae Spoon • Not Dead Yet
  • You Don't Know Me Anymore
    Sally Seltman • Arts & Crafts: 2003 - 2013
  • Black Flowers
    Yo La Tengo • I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Beat Your Ass
  • Sangoma
    Ibeyi • Spell 31
  • Flaws In Our Design
    ODESZA & Yellow House • Flaws in Our Design EP
  • Outro
    Haviah Mighty • Crying Crystals
  • Love Is Real
    Ben Gunning • No Magic Hand
  • User Illusion I
    Eine Kleine China • Palomino
  • Black Acura
    Paula • Arbutus Records Sampler 2013
  • Dance Floor
    The Apples In Stereo • Travellers In Space And Time
  • The Year Before The Year 2000
    Les Savy Fav • Let's Stay Friends
  • Local Celebrity
    RLMDL • Royally Sparked Vol. II
  • Orange Shirt
    Discovery • LP
  • Earth House (Petra Glynt Remix)
    New Chance • Real Time Remixed
  • The Middle
    Rich Aucoin • Hold EP
  • All That Is Not Of Me
    Death Valley Girls • Islands In the Sky