Alternative Radio – Episode October 11, 2023

Program: Alternative Radio

Length: 58 minutes

Cold Wars: Old & New

We are in the midst of a new cold war. In this go-round, the principal adversary is China with Russia taking second place. In the old Cold War, it was the reverse. Today, Russia is nowhere near China economically. And Moscow’s performance in Ukraine suggests its military has serious problems. China is already an economic superpower and is seen by the U.S. as a long-term threat to its hegemony. Washington’s so-called pivot to Asia is aimed at Beijing. Its strategy is to impose sanctions and surround it with more and more bases and to get Australia, Japan and other countries into military alliances. If the new cold war either intentionally or unintentionally, morphs into a hot war we can say goodbye to our precious planet.

Recorded at KGNU.

Speaker: Brian Becker

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