Strange Attractors – Episode December 27, 2023

AOTY2023 Edition of Strange A... WOWAAOOuuuuh music is so cool and good :) I louve you all


  • Double 69
    Midbooze • Double 69
  • Crawl Space
    TURQUOISEDEATH, 2 0 2 1 • Se Bueno
    onyx garden • PHASMAGLYPH
  • In a Moment Divine
    Freak Heat Waves, Cindy Lee • Mondo Tempo
  • Nightmare Paint
    Oneohtrix Point Never • Again
  • Inlet/Paraklesis
    Fire-Toolz • I am upset because I see something that is not there.
  • Die Like This
    The Furnace • The Desire to Become Human: Collected Works 2021​-​23
  • Tarsier, Tarsier, Tarsier, Tarsier
    Xiu Xiu • Ignore Grief
  • Wrathful seas quiesce
    Colin Stetson • When we were that what wept for the sea
  • Sense Supression
    Tim Hecker • No Highs
  • Portable Void
    Imaginary Softwoods • The Notional Pastures Of Imaginary Softwoods
  • Stalactime | 鍾乳石時計
    David Edren, H. Takahashi • Flow | 流れ
  • Daily Bread
    Liturgy • 93696
  • Doritos & Fritos
    100 gecs • 10,000 gecs