CJSW Radio’s 2018 Funding Drive

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Avast me Hearties!
CJSW 90.9 FM is setting sail for our annual Funding Drive!

From October 19 to 26, join our crew and support Calgary’s only campus & community radio station. This year’s campaign starts at 9:00am on Friday, October 19th until 6:00pm on Friday, October 26th.  Pledges can be made by calling (403) 220-5000 during the Funding Drive or by visiting fundingdrive.ca to make a pledge online!

This year, the Funding Drive celebrates CJSW 90.9 FM’s role as the flagship vessel of Calgary’s airwaves – your FM Anchor. We are the safe harbour, the beacon that guides listeners through the fog, the rising tide that lifts all boats.

So get out your semaphore flags and ring the ship’s bell. We’re calling upon our savvy listeners to help keep our ship afloat. Together, let’s dig up that buried treasure and use it to help make the highest quality radio waves ever to wash over this magnificent community of ours.

Sail on over to fundingdrive.ca or @cjsw for more information, and tune in to 90.9 FM throughout the week to follow the adventures of the S.S. Wavebreaker and its crew of sailors on their quest for the buried treasure!

Thanks for supporting Calgary’s campus & community radio station!