Alternative Radio – Episode August 16, 2023

Program: Alternative Radio

Length: 57 minutes


The corporate takeover of food with its toxic chemical inputs poses serious health and environmental problems. Corporate agriculture, The New York Times states unequivocally “is causing irreparable harm to the planet.” It is “ravaging the air, soil and water, destroying wildlife habitats and spurring climate chaos. The system, a vast web of industries and processes that stretches from seed to pasture, to packaging, to the supermarket, to the trash dump, produces at least a third of all human-caused greenhouse gases.” There are alternatives. We can learn much from traditional organic farming techniques as practiced by indigenous farmers. In this program, Vandana Shiva describes the importance of biodiversity and the interconnectedness of all life. She says, “What we do to the Earth, what we do to the land, what we do to biodiversity eventually comes back to us. There is no separation.”

Speaker: Vandana Shiva
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