Alternative Radio – Episode October 4, 2023

Program: Alternative Radio

Length: 60 minutes

Conspiracy Culture

Conspiracy. Conspiracy culture. Conspiracy theories. Just hearing those words can make some people cringe and others embrace them. Conspiracy theories are as old as the hills. But today, thanks to social media algorithms that push users toward ever more emotional, fact-adverse content, it’s never been easier for wild implausible ideas and hate to go viral. It’s a rabbit hole that detracts attention from predatory economic policies that have created a gargantuan gap in wealth and power. Instead of focusing on what elites are actually doing, people are diverted into cultural wars about all-gender bathrooms, anti-racist education, non-white immigrants, and LGBTQ athletes which are all part of a deep-state cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who control the world. Conspiracy culture makes the ruling class secure in knowing societal anger isn’t aimed at them.

Speaker: Naomi Klein

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