Contramandatum – Episode February 25, 2016


  • What's The Buzz?
    Christo Graham • Muppet Christ Superstar
  • Insolvent
    Corinthian • Katherine Kenyon
  • Tears on Fresh Fruit
    Sparklehorse • Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionpilot
  • Delusional
    Career Suicide • City Limits: Down and Out in Toronto and Montreal
  • Progress
    Cadillac of Worms • Let's Eat
  • Lawyer Up
    Teenanger • Frights
  • Dark Days
    Detergents • No Salvation 7"
  • Destruction Mindless
    Kremlin • Will You Feed Me?
  • The Dead Hotlove The Living
    Bog Bodies • Where Do the Nether-Velvet Slashings End & Where Does Orgasm Begin?
    Q • RECQRD
  • Sea Bug
    His Electro Blue Voice • Ruthless Sperm
  • Losers Never Die
    Fist City • Everything's A Mess
  • Teenage Boogie
    Beech Creeps • Beech Creeps
  • Goth Apologist
    Spray Paint • Dopers
  • My Only Pants
    Gawker • 2016 Demo
  • No Wave Jose
    Running • Wake Up Applauding
  • Return East
    N. 213's Group Vision • N. 213's Group Vision
  • Sunglasses After Death
    Counter Intuits • Monosyllabilly
  • Titchy
    Spacin' • Total Freedom