Doom What Thou Wilt – Episode January 26, 2016


  • Symptom of the Universe
    Black Sabbath • Sabotage
  • Strange Dimensions
    Tarot • Reflections
  • After Forever
    Black Sabbath • Master of Reality
  • Wicked World
    Black Sabbath • Black Sabbath
  • Gambler
    MANcub • Hangman
  • Empress
    Cauldron • In Ruins
  • Diamonds
    Enforcer • Diamonds
  • Tears Have Come
    Cauldron • Burning Fortune
  • Lend Me Your Steel
    Cromlech • Ava Mortis
  • Forever Amongst the Ruins
    Dark Covenant • Eulogies for the Fallen
  • Across the Universe
    Scanner • Hypertrace