Ears Have Eyes – Episode February 8, 2023

Program: Ears Have Eyes

Length: 61 minutes

SYNAESTHETICS: do ears have eyes?

This month, we're celebrating the One Year Anniversary of EARS HAVE EYES! We started imagining this radio show during The Hibernation Project (our annual collaborative wintertime art series) as a response to the global pandemic and subsequent social distancing. We were trying to figure out ways to share art spaces that don't require physical proximity between people, but could still feel intimate.

As we see it, radio is one of the most intimate mediums. It arrives in your ears as clear as a whisper, without sight - or rather, with incidental imagery, whatever your eyes happen to be seeing (for those of us with vision) at the moment of reception. We love the act of turning on the radio and arriving in a temporary world, intersecting with whatever’s going on already. How do we look with our ears, and listen with our eyes?

brainwave research center
Cameron Naylor
Christina Milinusic
Eric Heitmann
Laura Reid
Paolo Montella
Dr. Tibor Donath

Thanks to our friends at CJSW for inviting us to cultivate this bizarre program - especially Tyra, Lily, Adam, and Kaamil.

To learn more about these artists or to submit your own sound art to EARS HAVE EYES, visit www.hibernationproject.ca/ears-have-eyes/ or email [email protected]