The Good Medicine Show – Episode July 25, 2024

Program: The Good Medicine Show

Length: 120 minutes

Maya completes week 2 of training, things will never be the same!!!


  • Blowing Up The Moon
    Freezepop • FantasizerPlus Vol. 2: Further Exploits
  • Power
    illuminati hotties • Single
  • Jaw Locked
    Chastity • Single
  • It's Only Every Us
    Dib Dooley • Lethargy
  • Sign of Extrarrestrial
    A Pact Between Strangers • single
  • Sharp Shooter
    Deep Purple • =1
  • Drop Your Guns
    April Wine • On Record
  • Destroyer
    Twisted Sister • Under The Blade
  • Earthling
    Thee Oh Sees • Single
  • Haunted
    Rough Francis • Death/Rough Francis Split
  • Catalina
    The Bronx • Dead Tracks Vol 2
  • Orchard
    Indian Summer • Indian Summer / Current
  • East Bunk Hill
    Anasarca • East Bunk Hill / Eugene Debs
  • Scouting, May 8th
    Griver • Griver
  • End.
    Julia • Julia
  • It Burns
    Show Me The Body • Single
  • Divining Gods
    Fucked Up • Single
  • I Know
    The Last • Danger
  • Persona
    GEL • Single
  • Star Ghost
    Vargouille • Oathbreaker
  • III
    Pilgrimagi • Demo
  • Twilight Breath Incarnation
    Kings Rot • At The Gates of Adversarial Darkness
  • Stones
    Severed Arm • Reaching Murderous For The Banker's Neck