Ears Have Eyes – Episode April 19, 2022

Program: Ears Have Eyes

Length: 30 minutes

THE TIME BETWEEN US // PART 2: duration & anticipation, chronological or nonlinear

The sound works on this program explore, deconstruct, or reimagine the relationship between sound and time. Artists on THE TIME BETWEEN US address time as a human experience, knowledge and learning passed between generations, grief as a process of time unfolding, time travel, and sound as a signifier for the passing, slowing down, speeding up, and stopping of time.

Curved Walls
Noel Begin
Tawni Bias

Special thanks to Noel Begin for speedy work, and to CJSW for accommodating this special two-part episode on short notice.

To learn more about these artists, or to submit your own sound art to EARS HAVE EYES, visit www.hibernationproject.ca/ears-have-eyes/ or email [email protected]