Ears Have Eyes – Episode May 11, 2022

Program: Ears Have Eyes

Length: 60 minutes

JOURNEY: sound walks, travel, and traversing the land

From road trips to immigration, meditations on nationhood to outer space travel, the upcoming sound works meditate on the theme of JOURNEY through place-ness - the places we’ve been, the places we are, the places we move through, come from, escape, dwell in, get stuck, stick out, are displaced from, yearn for, and aim towards.

The idea of 'place' is not solid, but unfolding in simultaneous layers, dependent on personal embodiment, acknowledged histories, and cultural perspectives. Lucy Lippard talks about place as “multicentred,” localized in a map of memories, political and personal. “All places,” she writes, “exist somewhere between the inside and the outside view of them, the ways in which they compare to, and contrast with, other places.”

Calum Robertson
Curved Walls
D. C. Gale
Eduardo Gama
Kathleen Moors
Lauren Wong
Tyler Stewart

To learn more about these artists, or to submit your own sound art to EARS HAVE EYES, visit www.hibernationproject.ca/ears-have-eyes/ or email [email protected]