Ears Have Eyes – Episode August 10, 2022

Program: Ears Have Eyes

Length: 60 minutes

IN THE CALM: open, spatial, gentle, and fleeting

Our program this month features work from local, national, and international sound artists and musicians with a focus on tranquility and the expanse of each moment. This collection of sound artworks, poetry, and experimental music is intended to provide space to relax and bask in the hidden gentle flow of the Summer - a quiet place too often obscured beneath the frantic energy stirred up by hot weather and busy schedules. Join us as we explore the introspective and infinite space of a moment between moments.

Audrey Lane Cockett
Chuck Johnson
Daria Baiocchi
D. C. Gale
Lauren Wong
Manja Ristic
Dr. Tibor Donath
Who Cares?

To learn more about these artists or to submit your own sound art to EARS HAVE EYES, visit www.hibernationproject.ca/ears-have-eyes/ or email [email protected]