Ears Have Eyes – Episode September 14, 2022

Program: Ears Have Eyes

Length: 60 minutes

STORMING: busy, noisy, dense, and maximal

A storm can be literal or conceptual. In this Summer of profound environmental catastrophe, both interpretations held true at different moments. A storm is a breaking point, an eruptive moment of chaos, but it is usually long-brewing, perhaps even anticipated. Sometimes you can watch a storm come slide across the prairies all day long, see it forming in the distance and drawing ever nearer, until suddenly you're inside it, and all you can do is weather the storm until it passes.

Daria Baiocchi
Jessica Wittman
Lauren Wong
Richard Gallant (Curved Walls)
Dr. Tibor Donath

To learn more about these artists or to submit your own sound art to EARS HAVE EYES, visit www.hibernationproject.ca/ears-have-eyes/ or email [email protected]