Folkcetera – Episode June 15, 2017
les - tribute vin garbutt, rosalie sorrels, Jimmy LaFave - ron hynes james keelaghan, richard seguin, david francey, diamond joe white
walkin in jerusalem
paul hann • paul hann -
nothing to it
Ramblin' Valley Band • Snoozegrass -
white freightliner
High Quandra Ramblers • Mom's Basement Sessions Vol. 1 -
the darkroom at the school
Oh Susanna • A Girl in Teen City -
david francey • empty train -
la papa de fin de semaine
Richard Séguin • solo -
my old man
james keelaghan • road -
my old man
Ron Hynes • get back change -
maybe in the morning
Diamond Joe White • honestly -
i am a union woman
rosalie sorrels • the long memory -
desparate men do desparate things
Jimmy LaFave • favourites 1992-2001 -
hitchhiker in the rain
Rosalie Sorrels • borderline heart -
when it starts to rain
Jimmy LaFave • favourites 1992-2001 -
in china or a woman's heart
Rosalie Sorrels • report from grimes creek -
Vin Garbutt • synthetic hues -
when the tide turns
Vin Garbutt • the vin garbutt songbook -
fell off the back of a boat
Vin Garbutt • plugged -
believe me if all those endearing young charms
Vin Garbutt • plugged -
they don't write them like that anymore
Vin Garbutt • tossin a wobbler -
absent friends
Vin Garbutt • when the tide turns again -
hornpipes -belfast/the japanese
Vin Garbutt • eston california