Many Different Birds – Episode April 23, 2024

Program: Many Different Birds

Length: 84 minutes

Episode 9: Embracing Diversity - Indigenous Voices and Strategies with Gerald Ratt and Norma Jeremick'ca Gresl

In this podcast episode, the focus is on dispelling the misconception that all Indigenous peoples are homogenous and highlighting the importance of recognizing their diversity. It delves into the work of the Office of Indigenous Engagement at the University of Calgary and its innovative initiatives, particularly those catering to Two-Spirited individuals. The development of the Indigenous strategy or ii' taa'poh'to'p as a dynamic and living document is highlighted. It underscores the responsibility to regularly engage with Indigenous communities, hearing their voices and perspectives. Additionally, this episode discusses the importance of intercultural capacity building and creating ethical spaces that accommodate diverse knowledge systems and values. Proactive listening techniques are also explored as essential tools for fostering meaningful dialogue and understanding.