Strange Attractors – Episode November 1, 2023

Yep. This is a good one. Experimental minimalism --> maximalism in 45 min, followed by a nice neo-classical closer. Listen up!


  • Liten som en myra
    sthlm död • 59​.​352725, 18​.​703800
  • Bitch
    A Pact Between Strangers • Disco
  • eternity (move just like angel)
    tespia • eternity (move just like angel)
  • It's 12 at Night
    Naked Flames • It Is What It Is
  • Father Merrin
    Ti9ri • Suits
  • Birds flew South
    Pablo's Eye • A mountain is an idea
  • Soul Eternal
    Longhand • Plays Long with special guests Jesse and Josh Zubot
    Honour • BEG 4 MERCY
  • Viajante universal
    BRÍI • Último Ancestral Comum
  • Thought and Desire
    Paramorph Collective • All We're Made of is Borrowed