Tha Gospel Ov Fire – Episode October 4, 2016

Hungarian BM; British BM; Styx on the triple paradigm shift; Anthony Hall clips; new Loscil! darkish techno; neoclassical chamber and organ


  • Where Hate And Lightning Truth Are Born
    Aornos • Mors Sola
  • Misanthropic Dreams
    Funeral Ghoul • Under the Forest
  • Halott Imák - Elfeledett Jövendölése
    Malvm • Cvltvs Diaboli
  • Burning The Flags II
    Alocasia Garden • Burning the Flags
  • Blood Victory
    Berserk • Berserk
  • Nivver Rewe
    White Medal • Lyke Wake
  • The Welcoming Glow of the Moon
    Pale Mist • Spreading My Wings into the Abyss That Calls
  • Forgiving You, Sammy Grayling
    Padang Food Tigers, Sigbjorn Apeland • Bumblin' Creed
  • Prejudices Of Philosophers - aphorism 1
    Friedrich Nietzsche translated by Helen Zimmern • Beyond Good And Evil read by Hugh McGuire
  • Devastation of Empires
    Hryre • From Mortality to Infinity
  • At the Dawning of Aeons
    Ethernal • Reborn as Fire
  • Sol
    En Femme • En Femme
  • The Prejudices Of Philosophers - aphorism 9
    Friedrich Nietzsche translated by Helen Zimmern • Beyond Good And Evil read by Hugh McGuire
  • Malignant Shape of the Other
    Spectral Apparition • Manifestation
  • Green Cathedral
    Winterfylleth • The Dark Hereafter
  • #2
    Evoked Response • Untitled
  • Frog Factory Music
    Circles • Structures: Unreleased Material 1985-1989
  • Why My Election Predictions Are So Accurate: The Triple Paradigm Shift
    Styxhexenhammer666 • Styxhexenhammer666
  • Beginning Again
    John Chantler • Which Way to Leave?
  • Graal
    La Flamme d'Agni • Merlin
  • A Boat Upon Its Blood, Pt. 3
    Jason Sharp • A Boat Upon Its Blood
  • Anthony Hall clip compilation
  • Pythagorean Dream, Pt. 2
    Rhys Chatham • Pythagorean Dream
  • Chapter 3, Part 2
  • Deceiver
    Loscil • Monument Builders
  • Forward Masking
    K. Leimer • Re-Enact
  • Whole Forests Of Them Appearing
    Biosphere • Departed Glories
  • All Around Us
    Sanctums • Migrant Workers
  • Wind Shadows
    Vohkinne • Wind Shadows
  • Igneous
    Perc, Randomer • Igneous EP
  • Infiltrating Parallax
    NGLY • Cities of Illusion
  • III
    Klaus Lang • Sais.
  • Kurtag Integrale des quatuors à cordes 08 In Memoriam Andreae Szervanszky
    Molinari Quartet • Kurtag: Integrale des Quatuors a Cordes
  • Élévation en G sol bécarre
    Yves-G Prefontaine • 1753