Hearth2Heart – Episode February 27, 2023

Program: Hearth2Heart

Length: 30 minutes

The Seemingly Impossible Quest and Longing for Change with Anusha Kassan

"Until true systemic change takes place, and racist, discriminatory and unjust structures are dismantled in our society, I know I will not be able to rest."

Born in Montreal to a French-Canadian mother and a South Asian father, Anusha Kassan shares her experience of her writing her story in Landed.

Anusha is currently an associate professor with a high-impact position in the School and Applied Child Psychology Program at the University of British Columbia. Her scholarly interests are informed by her own bi-cultural identities and an overarching social justice framework. Anusha’s program of research presently includes two major foci: immigration experiences across different groups (i.e., newcomer youth, women, 2SLGBTQIA+ peoples), and cultural and social justice responsiveness in professional psychology. Connect with Anusha at anushakassan.com

IG: @campfire_kinship